Reiach & Hall's New Stobhill Hospital in Glasgow is set within
an apparently random planting of silver birch. Inside the building,
open courtyards are planted with larch and surfaced with natural
larch boarding.
Thomas A Clark proposed that the building be considered as
'a grove of larch in a forest of birch'. Short texts on a woodland
theme occur around the building in a context of art installations
by Kenneth Dingwall, Olwen Shone, Andreas Karl Schulze, and
Donald Urquhart.
The latin names of trees are sandblasted onto windows,
the names of grasses scroll across an led sign, the names
of butterflies appear on waiting room windows, as if an
orange tip or pale clouded yellow might flutter past.
Olwen Shone with Andreas Karl Schulze
Kenneth Dingwall
Thomas A Clark with Kenneth Dingwall
Donald Urquhart with Thomas A Clark
Thomas A Clark
Thomas A Clark
Spiritual Care centre designed by Donald Urquhart
with a text by Thomas A Clark
Thomas A Clark with Andreas Karl Schulze
Thomas A Clark
Thomas A Clark